Olympic City

Olympic City
Virtual Office
Calgary AB
Booth: 636

Company Description:

Olympic City...your home for full-on design and renovation expertise. Founded by Calgary's original Husband and Wife design and reno team, we love ALL things renovations. From kitchens and bathrooms, to living spaces, you name it, we love it. :)

We have been quietly renovating homes in Calgary since 2005 building a business that has been 100% referral based. While the bigger companies with the larger overheads will be splashing their name all over town, we like to sneak under the radar and get to know our clients. We like to say that by the time your renovation is over, we're going to be friends.

What sets us apart? Well...we are design centered with a focus on completing your renvation as quickly as possible. What does 'design-centered' mean? Well, all great renovations start with great design. The best renovation can look horrible if the design isn't right. Nothing like spending a lot of money only to have a great renovation with bad design.

As for speed, we do our best to have your renovation finished as quickly as possible. What takes some renovation companies three months to finish takes us around seven weeks. Unfortunately, it's not like an HGTV show that finishes in 22 minutes and three sets of commercials :) Sorry.

We've heard horror stories when it comes to renovation companies here in Calgary and we aim to not be one of them! Our goal is to help you take your renovation project from beginning to end as painlessly as possible.

This 2024 Renovation Show will be the first show of its kind for us as we aim to take Olympic City to the next level. That being said, our goal is to book ourselves out for 2024 so your goal will be to come see us as early as possible as we slot in our clients for their renovation projects. If you're not able to make the show but would like to speak to us feel free to email us directly at hello@olympiccity.ca. We look forward to learning more about your project!

Product Images:


Thank you to our show sponsors & partners